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Death by Any Other Name is Gas

Gaspar was admiring the effect of his fart. He had succeeded in summoning enough power to move the flimsy window curtain. He was hoping that his wife would not show up and see that in order to put his butt in proximity to the curtain, his shoes were brushing the top of the creamy lace. Should he hear her approach, it would be simple with a push to quickly slide over the green leather seat of the sofa back onto the armrest where he would affect nonchalance.

Nonchalance was an adopted regimen for the purpose of avoiding arguments. Lilith believed in civility. Even when angry, she never raised her voice or changed her expression from one of sympathy. Walking a mile in another’s moccasins was her devotion. Gaspar’s nonchalance provided Lilith with very short paths.

Having learned that farts were composed of hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, Gaspar was fascinated to learn that farts were also flammable because of the methane and the hydrogen. During yesterday’s poker game, he had shared this information with friends and waited for someone to suggest that they attempt an experiment. Instead the discussion ended with a consensus that it was not worth risking setting yourself on fire. Gaspar’s research confirmed their opinion but the temptation remained with him. With a simple push he quickly slid over the green leather seat of the sofa back onto the armrest. Lunch was calling. Probably some crackers, cheese and beer.

Lilith left the car in the driveway in case Gaspar needed to go out. When she came through the mud room into the kitchen, she thought the house smelled strange. Was it garlic? It was quiet so she did not call out to Gaspar in case he had fallen asleep – he loved naps. What was that smell? It was starting to irritate her throat. Maybe Gaspar was smoking something.

Weirdly, when Lilith went into the living room, she first noticed that the curtain was not in front of the window. Then she noticed that the sofa was not green but black. Then she noticed the contorted lump where the cushions had been. Then Lilith screamed.

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