The Narrator

Apr 10, 20211 min

I Never Agreed To Come. Now I Shall Demand To Leave.

Dearest Sister,

I have just learned that Belgium has a most liberal law on physician-assisted suicide. The terminally ill, the psychiatrically distressed and children can request to painlessly die. Finally! A country that recognizes how civilized it is to give human beings with constant and unbearable suffering a practical and humane way to die peacefully.

You know how for my entire existence I have wanted to get out of this situation called life. Now I see a pleasant way out of here. I don’t know if it is possible, but even though I do not like travelling, I have purchased a ticket and I am brushing up on my French.

I wonder if you would like to accompany me and have the opportunity to observe me in my happiest state of being – dead! Qu'en pensez-vous?

Sincerely, Fiona
